ohhhh so finally summer'09 came to an end and here was the beginning of junior year. great! hah so i couldnt really sleep last night because i wasnt excited or nervous about school, i guess cause i was so used to staying up so dayummm late and wasnt tired at all. this morning was kinda hard for me to wake up but i woke up got ready pretty quick then we went to starbucks YUMM! didnt really drink mines though, hah. anywho waiting at the bus stop was just to weird i mean its far from my house and i didnt know the ppl that was at our bus stop. we only had like 4 juniors their. FUNNY! dont worry pretty soon i'll be licensesss and will be driving to school instead of the bus taking me their.
so like while on the bus it was full then walking i see this empty seat and i see trisha! what a surprised sat next to her and we talked about how today would prolly be like we got to school 5min before class started. seen destinee my gosh she looked gorgeous and we went to homeroom. i pretty much was fine and decided to just smile and be happy to make things easier for me. my classes are alright. i was so nervous to go to my classes but i pretty much have someone i know in class to talk to so im not alone. i like my classes though except algebra2 fckn teacher has attitude! gayyyy.
basic question i got the whole day "are you still with oscar?"... wasnt so great about that i mean i already was nervous to see him. i went to 3rd period and thanks to kyle you dummy announced it to the whole class. and all i could do was smile and act like i didnt care, it finally hit me that i couldnt really handle all the questions why when and who and are you okay... UGHHHH! >:O walking in the fucking halls was hard cause their are hella new freshmens my gosh! so in 4th period i noticed some shoes and found out it was oscar sitting a seat away from me and oh dang did i want to break down and cry. jennifer felt the awkwardness. and after that i kept seeing him around. i didnt think i wold even have classes with him this year. i even have lunch with him. im happy though but today was just not so great.
i mean i couldnt say anything to you i couldnt look at you. all i had was memories running thorugh my head while walking in the halls. fuck mann when i got on the bus i just couldnt stop crying. going home and just thinking is all i can do. i miss you and i love you so much. i do need you in my life. we talked and said your sorry for everything that has happened and what happened today. you called me and you cheered me up. i love you so much even though you give me fckn headaches and make me so confused and things get frustrating and complicated all at once, in the end i know that i will always have you their to make me smile again. what a day huh!?