Ohhhhhh finally just one more week until school starts! HAH I'm feeling happy, excited, confused, scared, nervous and shy all at once and school hasnt even started. Oh well I just cant wait to start Junior Year cause I'm tired of staying home or almost staying home. hehe(:
Wow I haven't wrote a blog in like a week or two. Hmm what has changed...
Summer in the beginning was alright then it got very bad and I hated how things were for me until I started to spend time with family and it got all better from their. Volleyball came around and started practicing again and it just felt good to keep myself busy and away from everything I was going through. Now that I think of it my Summer'09 isn't the best but it was just a realization for me and pretty chilled, I guess. So it's almost over and I just feel CONFUSED cause what I've been through this whole summer.
Sooooooo after that weekend in San Diego, I realized so many things that I put myself through and what I really need to figure out. I didn't want to leave SD cause it felt so good to get out of this hot ass desert. ^.^ But I had to leave cause of volleyball... So volleyball camp was this past week/weekend and damnnnn was I in pain and just tired. I loved it though, I love playing it was fun. Ohhhh G.I.JOE; that movie was really good HAH I was confused in the beginning but I got it. Try-outs for volleyball is tomorrow and tuesday... GOODLUCK to me and all the other girls. I cant wait. So many things I have to do this week before I leave again to go back to SAN DIEGO, CA!!! YAYYYY a great way to end my summer'09 lol. Its funny how summer just comes and goes so quickly and like it sucks how we say "ohhh we have all summer to hangout" but when is that? summer is ending and school is starting... I hardly seen people, I guess it was just my fault cause I didnt really want to go out. "/
I came to a conclusion when I was in SD, that Im still confused on where I'll be after Highschool but I kind of got a plan... It was my original plan when I was little and now I'm thinking of really following it. Me and my cousin have to go back to SD and look at the colleges, cause my auntie said so. HAH I have to start thinking of what I'm gonna do in my future and what I wanna study and where I'm gonna go to school for it. I decided I'll be applying to UNLV and SDSU and other colleges in California. :D I really want to go to SDSU for some odd reason cause it was always my choice when I was little. Who knows where I'll end up from Now and THEN... My options are still open and my decions will change but will see...
Things for me in my life are finally turning around and starting to make sense one step at a time and im almost happy to where I was before... I'm not satisfied but hopefully soon. This it for now... hehe